Call 07961 985010

Hypnotherapy In Essex

Hypnotherapy In Essex

Hypnotherapy can help you change your life!

There have been many myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Would it surprise you to learn that the hypnotic state is actually a very natural one and one that you would go in and out of several times EVERY day, like a daydream?

Hypnotherapy In Essex

Hypnosis has been used to great effect in the therapeutic context for hundreds of years to facilitate change within the subconscious mind (the emotional part of your thinking). This is where we store everything we have ever learnt or experienced in our lives. Sometimes these experiences restrict us from moving forward or making changes in our lives.

Hypnotherapy assists the conscious mind (your everyday thoughts- where to go and what to do) and the subconscious mind to work together in harmony (emotion v rational thinking) as opposed to the 'normal' daily conflict, therefore allowing your mind to accept changes that are for your benefit.

Click here to book a virtual initial consultation

1-2-1 Therapy

1-2-1 Therapy At Hypnotherapist Southend

When People start looking for a therapist to help them it can be for many different reasons, for example...

Of course, it may be something completely different or somewhere in between, whatever brings you to my website today, you are very welcome.

With 20 years’ experience, I am able to help people solve all sorts of issues and problems.

I am very happy to see people in my office, home visits, come to a place of work or via Zoom, Skype or Whatsapp.

Please call me and let’s talk about how I can help 07961 985010.

Therapy For Children & Young Adults

Therapy for children & young adults At Hypnotherapist Southend

The Bowden Effect - This is an approach that I have designed to help Children and Young People who are struggling with life!

Working with young people is my absolute passion, I am delighted to be able to work across the board from the tiddly poms to ‘grown up’ conversations with young adults navigating their way through life.

When it comes to working with children and young adults, I have 3 different areas of expertise-

I can work with you on a 1-2-1 basis, at home or at school.

I have 24 years’ experience and I am a mum myself…I know I can help you and/or your family make things better.

Supervision & Training Analysis

Supervision & mentoring At Hypnotherapist Southend

If you are serious about being a good therapist and about looking after yourself and your clients, then Supervision is fundamental to grow and develop. Working with me, an extensively experienced therapist enables you to talk and work through and learn from your experiences and your mistakes (you would have or you will make them) address your own issues if they arise, learn how to look after yourself, discuss approaches to therapy and develop your skills.

Training Analysis

Training analysis is so important if you want to commit to being the best you can be for your clients.

Training analysis challenges us to explore who we are and how we are, it is also a learning curve to be the ‘client’. We can’t expect our clients to open up and share with us if you can’t do it yourself!

Even if you feel you had an idealic childhood and your life has been free of trauma or upset experiencing analysis yourself provides you with the considerable insight into the experiences your clients may have.

Training analysis is important for your emotional wellbeing and that of your clients too.

Call me on 07961 985010 if you would like to know more.

Support for families

Support for families At Hypnotherapist Southend

These are just some of the questions I am asked or emailed frequently…

The list goes on and on…Being a Mum myself I know what it feels like to just sort out one problem and another turns up…

Just as Super Nanny comes to the rescue on TV I can come to your home or you can visit me, and we can work through the issues and find workable solutions for you all.

You are not alone, and it is Ok to realise that you may not always have the answers or solutions but a little bit of help from me can make a big difference.

Support for schools

Support for schools At Hypnotherapist Southend

I have worked in Preparatory, Primary and Secondary schools in differing capacities over the years.

I have mentored young people, working with children and young adults individually and in groups, I have been employed in an observational role for students and teachers to identify issues, employ solutions and reach desired outcomes , support staff with differing needs and provide parenting workshops to help different parenting issues.

Within the school environment I can offer guidance, structural support, strategies and adopt a forward thinking focus for emotional issues experienced by students and staff. Please get in touch for more information.

During lockdown I provided a free of charge appointment to any parent or child struggling and it was a privilege to help so many people during a very difficult time.

I Can Help With

As an extensively trained and experienced therapist I can help with a wide range of issues.

My specialist areas are:

Working with Children and young people

Disordered eating and Binge Eating Disorders

Intrusive thoughts

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Smoking Cessation

Anxiety and Stress

I also help with these issues and many more:

Weight Issues

Panic Attacks

Self confidence


Fear of Needles


Sleep Issues

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to talk through any other problems not listed above.

Please get in touch for more information on any of my services.

Please call 07961 985010 or

Click here to book a virtual initial consultation

Holly Bowden Holmes

FAPHP (acc) DHP HPD Supervisor (acc)
NLP, Coaching
Accredited Member and Supervisor
of the APHP


ARFID therapist Essex.
Child Behaviour and Eating Disorder Specialist. 

The Bowden Effect approach to helping Children and Young People with Issues attending School.

As with any therapy no guarantees or refunds can be offered but I will do everything within my power to help you address, overcome or achieve whatever had brought you to my office. My commitment to my profession and to my clients is an ethical lifetime obligation  for which I am passionate.

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Instagram  bowden_holmes.therapy

Facebook Therapist Holly Bowden-Holmes